Setup and manage topics
Question types
- Add a new question
- Add a new question: Coding
- Add a new question: Content
- Add a new question: Drag and Drop
- Add a new question: Essay
- Add a new question: File upload
- Add a new question: Fill in the blanks
- Add a new question: Hotspot
- Add a new question: Interacting image
- Add a new question: Knowledge matrix
- Add a new question: Likert scale
- Add a new question: Matching
- Add a new question: MS Excel
- Add a new question: Multiple choice
- Add a new question: Multiple lists
- Add a new question: Multiple response
- Add a new question: Numeric
- Add a new question: Photo based answer
- Add a new question: Ranking
- Add a new question: Sortable
- Add a new question: Survey matrix
- Add a new question: Text match
- Add a new question: True/False
- Add a new question: Yes/No
Creating and managing exams
Question management and import
- Search questions
- Rename a question
- Edit a question for cut, copy, paste
- Delete questions
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Using Text Editor
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Using Text Editor Menus
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Revisions and Exams
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Using info overlays
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Add and manage images
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Using Formula Editor
- Common Reference to Add New Question: Language options and settings
- Import questions
- Import questions: MS Word file
- Import questions: CSV import
- Import questions: bizExaminer file
- Import questions: Moodle XML import
- Import questions: QTI and QML import
- Export Questions and Question Topics
- Deactivate or Reactivate Questions