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Demo exams

Step-by-step instructions on how to set up a demo exam

This article describes how you can set up an exam as a demo, in your biz:Examiner authoring environment.


You can set up an exam as a demo before you share it as the real exam. For example, you can set up the demo exam as a test run for the internal users or reviewers to test the exam structure and the participants’ experience. A demo exam can also be shared with the real participants, as a dry run to make them familiar with the exams’ interface.

Differences between demo exams and real exams:

  • Demo exams must not be (and cannot be) scheduled to real participants.
  • Demo exams can be started multiple times simultaneously.
  • Demo exams can not be resumed when closing an examination while running and not be finished.

The first steps

There are different options for how you can create a new exam. Please see Create a new exam to get started with creating an exam.

Options to mark an exam as a demo

The ‘General Settings’ tab

For any exam module, defining the ‘General Settings’ is the first step to add basic details about the exam. In general settings, you see an option to set up the exam as a demo. Please see General settings for more details.

While Creating a new exam module

When you create a new exam module, there is an option to mark the exam module as a demo. (Please see Create a new exam module, for more details.)

Using the ‘Demo Accounts’ tab

When you mark an exam as a demo, a new tab ‘Demo accounts’ appears in the list of tabs. Select this tab, you can set up one or more demo accounts and the internal settings of each demo account, as below.

Set up demo account

  1. Click on ‘Add demo’. The ‘Add demo’ dialog box opens.
  2. In ‘Username’, write the username that the demo users will use to access the demo exam.
  3. In ‘Password’, set a password for this demo exam, for its users.
  4. In ‘No. of attendances’, write the number of overall attendances for this demo exam. The number of available attendances will automatically count down for each start of the demo exam with this account. When zero is reached this demo exam can no longer be started with this account.
  5. In ‘Validity’, select the two dates within which the demo exam is available to the demo users.
  6. Click on ‘Save’ to see the demo account.

Follow the same steps to create more demo accounts, as required.

Using the demo accounts

The demo accounts are listed in the list view.

In the last column, there are three action icons available for you.

  • Share: Click on the ‘Direct link’ icon. A small dialog opens where you can see the direct link of this demo account for this exam. Copy this URL and you can paste it to share with the demo users, manually. The target users with whom you share this direct link, they can see the demo exam and can answer the exam questions.
    This direct link leads into an automatic login. When sharing this link there is no need to share username and password as well.
  • Edit: Click on the ‘Edit’ icon to change the demo account details, as required.
  • Delete: Click on the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the demo account. When deleting a demo account, all related data from the demo attendances will also be deleted.
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