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Create new exams

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a new exam

This article describes how you can create a new exam in your biz:Examiner authoring environment.

What is an exam

An exam is a set of questions that an organization, a university, or an institute can plan and design to evaluate their students’ or participants’ performance. You cannot add questions directly to an exam, you need to structure an exam in multiple exam modules such as for the subjects, for the audience segments, for exam types, or for the timing or sequence of tests.

While adding an exam module for any exam, you see options to add the questions and define the settings for the exam module and for the exam.

Before you create an exam, you need to have the questions that are active and ready for use in the exams. Please see Add a new question to get started with the questions.

biz:Examiner enables you to create exams in multiple languages. When you add questions, you can save the same question in multiple languages, as revisions. While creating an exam module in a specific language, select the questions where you are sure revisions in the same language exist and are activated.

Before you create a new exam


Create one or more topics to organize the exams for subjects, departments, or by any other criteria. Please see Add a new topic for detailed instructions.

Exams and exam modules

Topics, modules, and exams are presented in a hierarchical tree structure. This allows you to organize them in a visual way. The icons for the components are as follows:

  • : Topic
  • : Module
  • : Exam

Exam location

If you already have a list of topics defined in a structure, the option to add a new exam is available in the context-menu of each topic.

Find the topic for new exam

  1. Sign into biz:Examiner.
  2. Switch into the ‘author’ role using the role-switcher in the top right corner of the screen. In the sidebar, the ‘Questions’ option is selected by default.

The roles depend on your subscription plan for biz:Examiner. There are cases when you may not see this option to switch to different roles and you directly see the author role for the authoring environment. If you have more questions, please contact your account administrator.

  1. Select the ‘Exams and exam modules’ option.
  2. If one or more topics exist, these appear in a hierarchical structure as folders.

Options to create a new exam

Using a topic’s context-menu

  1. In the list of topics, locate the topic where you want to create the new exam. Click on the context-menu icon that is available immediately to the right side of this topic name.
  2. A few options appear in this menu for actions or tasks for this topic.
  3. Select ‘New > Exam’ to create a new exam.
  4. The ‘New exam’ dialog box opens.
  5. In ‘Title’, write the name of the new exam.
  6. Click on ‘Create’ to save the new exam. You can see it listed within the same topic.

Note: You need to create an exam module in this exam so that you can add questions to this exam.

At the root level topics list

  1. Click on the ‘New exam’ button that is available in the sidebar just above the list of all topics. You will get an option to select a topic while adding a new exam in this step.

In this step, an exam module is automatically created by the same name as of the exam name, to help you quickly get started with adding the questions to the exam.

  1. The ‘Create new exam’ dialog box opens.
  2. In ‘Exam title’, write the name of the new exam.
  3. In ‘Use questions from questions topic’, select a topic from where you want to add the questions in the exam module. Selecting this topic for the questions is mandatory because you cannot save an exam module without any question associated with it.
  4. The other details are optional and you can learn more about these when you create a new exam module. Please see Create an exam module, for more details.

Select ‘Create exam as demo’ to create this exam for the demo purpose. Please see Set up demo exams for more details.

About exams

When you define the exam structure for the exam modules, the blocks in the exam modules, the question groups, and the question sources, it sets up the exam for the configurations that you define for each block, question group, question source, or for the default settings.

To see if you have set up the exam correctly, use ‘Try out exam’ to see how the exam appears to the participants. There might be special cases when the exam may not run successfully, for example:

  • Questions in your topic source have no activated version.
  • Questions in your topics are not available in a version for the same language that you have selected in the exam settings.
  • Valid topics source is missing.

Please see Try out exams for more details.

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